Logic, Modality and Language

Project Director dr. sc. Srećko Kovač

The aim of this project is to investigate the philosophical presuppositions of Gödel’s ontological proof, particularly as concerns the destruction of modal differences implied by that proof. Taking as its point of departure the concept of change, the project investigates the logical and semantic relationships among sentences of differing modes, with the goal of constructing a system of imperative logic. Meršić’s critique of Aristotle’s theory of the syllogism will be considered in the light of algebraic logic. The project thus aims to evaluate the role of Croatian logicians in the development of modern logic, to promote an understanding of the philosophical (ontological) consequences and the significance of modal logic, and to establish what are the connections between imperative and indicative logic and certain aspects of deontological and propositional logic, as well as between logical communication, practical reasoning and human action.